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How do I register Interested in our assortment but don’t have an account yet? Visit our Register page. From here it is pretty straight forward - fill in the required details and click ‘Confirm’. Your personal account manager will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with login details and an explanation of how our shop works. Register here

How do I login Already have an account? Click on the “login” button in the header to fill in your username and password. Don’t forget to check the button in order to save your details to your computer. This will automaticly fill in your information next time you visit our shop!

I forgot my username Did you forget your username? No problem! Contact your account manager and he/she will help you right away.

I forgot my password Did you forget your username? No problem! Contact your account manager and he/she will help you right away. How do I change my password?

Invoices In the section invoices you are able to have insight in your Hoek flowers invoices. Open your invoice in PDF to download it or print it right away.

Is logging in not required? Want to log off from your account? You can do this by clicking on your account and select ‘Log off’ at the bottom of the drop down. This takes you back to the home screen.

How do I get a username & password? In the top corner on the right hand side you'll see a register button. When you click it you'll be redirected to our Register page. Fill out the form and one of our accountmanagers will contact you shortly.

My login details do not work Make sure you enter your username first, then your password. If you still can’t log in, please contact support

My account is blocked, what do I do? If your account is blocked, it is usually because of an outstanding invoice. Log in your account and go to Pending Payments to make a payment. If you are up to date with payments, contact your account manager. Pending Payments

How do I find my account manager’s details? Check your Welcome email- if you can’t find it, contact (in the new webshop account manage details will be automatically on there?

What is the minimum spend? Contact your account manager to find out the minimum spend in your currency.

What if don't reach the minimum spend? If you don’t reach the minimum spend, a transport fee is added on your invoice. Contact your account manager to find out what the fee is in your currency.

I received a promotion code, how do I use it? Use your promotion code in the promotion code box at check out. The promotion code amount won’t come off the order confirmation you are emailed when you’re done with shopping- but it will show on your final invoice.

Are the flowers I buy certified? Yes. To search products from certified growers. Find the category “Specials” in the sidebar on the left of the webshop and click the filter “Certified”. Certified flowers

Is it possible to pre-order flowers? We have pre-order lists available to order from during most of the year! Ask your account manager for more information.

Can I ship my order to another country? Sometimes it is possible to ship to another country for a wedding for example, but whether we can accommodate it depends on a number factors. Please contact your account manager to investigate the possibilities.

What are live photos? The product photos at the web shop are ‘live photos’, taken at arrival. Some products also have an extra photo attached since they are not blooming when they arrive. The extra photo gives an impression on how they will become. Every product in our web shop is equipped with extra information as: the full Latin name of the flower, the length, the country of origin and the name of the grower. ‘In stock’ shows how many stems there are still in stock. Quantity means the amount of stems you are going to buy.

Is it possible to split orders in my shopping cart? Yes! If you are ordering for different events on the same departure date, you can make an order reference for each one. Your invoice will be itemized per order reference.

What are Pre-orderlists? Our wedding list is a pre-order list, which most of you are already familiar with. Take advantage of fixed prices & know what is available in a particular month. Sign in to the webshop to see current cut off dates & time. Ask your account manager for more information!

How do I find a particular flower in the webshop? Type the name of the flower or the variety name in the search bar. Or filter by flower type in “Our Assortment” & “Product group”. You can also filter by length, colour & country of origin.

How do I find deals on the webshop? Go to “Specials” on the left side of your screen on the computer, or choose the middle “funnel” filter if you’re using the Hoek flowers app. Here you’ll find Special offers, Super deals, Back in Stock, New in assortment & Reduced in price products! Deals of the Week

Where can I check what I've recently bought? To view your purchases click on the Shopping Cart Icon. There you'll see your purchases of the last three days.

Picking my departure day The first and most important step is to choose a departure day. Here you select which day your flowers depart from our company. Your account manager will explain you personally how long it will take from departure until delivery to your location. Done buying for the selected departure day? Change the departure day at the top to start buying for a different day.

What does the timer mean? Because we are working with a live stock, every product you put into your shopping card is provided with a 15 minute timer. In this time you have the possibility to remove the item from your cart or adjust the amount of stems. If the timer runs out, the product is yours and cannot be cancelled or changed anymore.

Adjusting an product in my cart Want to adjust or remove an item from your shopping cart? Adjust an item with the pencil icon or remove it with the trash can symbol. Important to know is, that this can only be done in the 15 minutes timer.

Why can't I remove products from my cart? Products are automatically confirmed for your selected departure date after 15 minutes of them being placed in the basket. You have 15 minutes after adding an item to change your mind and remove from your shopping cart.

Is it possible to split orders in my shopping cart? Yes! If you are ordering for different events on the same departure date, you can make an order reference for each one. Your invoice will be itemized per order reference. Go to “

What are my delivery days?

How long does it take for my orders to arrive? It depends where you are located. Contact your account manager to find out how long it takes for your order to be delivered after it departs from the Netherlands.

What time wil my flowers arrive? The time your flowers arrive may vary, depending on the volume of deliveries we have on a particular day, and the transportation to your country. Contact your account manager for more specific information about a delivery.

Can I track my order? No, unfortunately we do not have this service available yet. Can I get my flowers delivered in specific spot? specificspot Yes. Let your account manager know the spot where your flower boxes can be delivered. Somewhere safe and undercover/inside is best to protect the flowers from the elements!

Who is delivering my flowers? Depending on where you are based, your flowers may be delivered by one of our own Hoek drivers, or may be delivered via an external transport company who we have close links with.

There is a problem with an item I received If you receive an item that is damaged or not in good condition, request a credit by uploading photos of the item to the Hoek Flowers app within 48 hours of receiving of the delivery.

There is a damaged item I received If you receive an item that is damaged or not in good condition, request a credit by uploading photos of the item to the Hoek Flowers app within 48 hours of receiving of the delivery.

How do I request a credit? You can request a credit through the Hoek flowers app. You have 48 hours after receiving the delivery to submit credits requests. It’s important to upload a photo of all the items you request a credit for. If you request a credit for five stems, please include a photo of all five stems.

Can I return an item To view your purchases click on the Shopping Cart Icon. There you'll see your purchases of the last three days.